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Notice: The STB will perform planned website maintenance Friday, April 26, 2024, from 5:00 PM EDT to 6:00 PM EDT. As a result, the STB website, including e-filing, filings, decisions, recordations and related advanced search may be intermittently unavailable during the maintenance window.

Home » Data


Chief Data Officer Designation:

Pursuant to the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018, Pub. L. No. 115-435, 132 Stat. 5529, on August 1, 2019, the Chairman designated Rachel D. Campbell, Managing Director, as the agency’s Chief Data Officer. Ms. Campbell can be reached at 202-245-0357 or .

Data Governance Committee Charter (April 2020)

STB FY 2021-2023 Data Governance Priority Goals (February 2022)


