STB Ralroad Economic Data Content:

Statement No. M-350
October, 1998
This statement furnishes current employment data trends for class I line-haul railroads.
PART 1. Number of Employees
Number of
Employees % of Change
Mid-Month From
October October September
1998 1997 1998
Total - All employees 182,631 2.01% -0.51%
Executives, officials, and staff assistants 11,685 8.31% 0.04%
Professional and administrative 19,807 -5.80% -0.47%
Maintenance of way and structures 39,231 -3.98% -2.87%
Maintenance of equipment and stores 36,250 6.59% 0.22%
Transportation (other than train and engine) 8,456 3.82% -0.19%
Transportation (train and engine) 67,202 4.66% 0.37%
PART 2. Indexes of employment
Index, same month 1967 = 100 Index, year 1967 = 100*
1998 1997 1996 1998 1997 1996
January 29.0 28.7 29.5 January 29.3 28.9 29.7
February 29.0 28.7 29.7 February 29.1 28.8 29.8
March 29.1 28.7 29.8 March 29.1 28.7 29.8
April 29.4 29.2 30.0 April 29.5 29.2 30.1
May 29.4 29.1 29.9 May 29.6 29.3 30.2
June 29.0 28.5 29.1 June 29.7 29.2 29.8
July 29.2 28.5 29.3 July 29.9 29.2 29.9
August 29.4 28.8 29.5 August 29.9 29.2 30.0
September 30.3 29.4 30.1 September 30.1 29.3 29.9
October 30.6 30.0 30.4 October 30.0 29.4 29.8
November 0.0 30.1 30.5 November 0.0 29.3 29.8
December 0.0 30.2 30.3 December 0.0 29.3 29.4
* Average of 12 months, 1967 = 100
Source: Monthly Report of Number of Employees of Class I Railroads.

CARRIER L100 L 200 L 300 L 400 L500 L600 TOTAL
October, 1998
BNSF 130500 2,415 4,633 10,784 8,929 1,612 16,105 44,478
CONR 113300 1,262 2,702 3,921 4,515 1,205 6,571 20,176
CSX 121500 1,069 3,699 5,927 5,012 1,626 11,334 28,667
GTW 114900 115 236 395 368 98 665 1,877
IC 124100 186 429 625 538 184 886 2,848
KCS 134500 155 303 455 314 207 1,238 2,672
NS 117100 1,565 3,030 5,071 4,277 1,710 8,793 24,446
SOO 137700 181 481 997 537 199 1,024 3,419
UP 139400 4,737 4,294 11,056 11,760 1,615 20,586 54,048
TOTAL 11,685 19,807 39,231 36,250 8,456 67,202 182,631
NRPC 103000 1,451 5,320 3,759 6,650 3,594 4,070 24,844
October October September % Change
1998 1997 1998 Year Month
L 100 11,685 10,788 11,680 8.31% 0.04%
L 200 19,807 21,027 19,900 -5.80% -0.47%
L 300 39,231 40,856 40,389 -3.98% -2.87%
L 400 36,250 34,010 36,172 6.59% 0.22%
L500 8,456 8,145 8,472 3.82% -0.19%
L600 67,202 64,208 66,957 4.66% 0.37%
TOTAL 182,631 179,034 183,570 2.01% -0.51%
Ratio Ratio
1967 1998 Corresp. Average
Months Months Months Month
January 614,766 178,277 29.0 29.3
February 610,335 177,042 29.0 29.1
March 608,751 177,305 29.1 29.1
April 611,136 179,505 29.4 29.5
May 613,824 180,456 29.4 29.6
June 624,153 181,106 29.0 29.7
July 623,096 181,965 29.2 29.9
August 619,419 182,116 29.4 29.9
September 606,714 183,570 30.3 30.1
October 597,271 182,631 30.6 30.0
November 593,568 0 0.0 0.0
December 590,100 0 0.0 0.0